Whimsical Lights
Pretty stars, really take it in.
Focused on Orion's Belt, as the sky revolves (3 photos combined).
Canon T2i | 18mm | 8" | f/3.5 | 800 ISO | 2sec TimerLet There Be Flight
Looking back at the city there are two things, light pollution and planes (3 photos combined).
Canon T2i | 18mm | 8" | f/3.5 | 800 ISO | 2sec TimerThe Edge
Power Lines hang as the population dwindles.
Canon T2i | 18mm | 15" | f/3.5 | 800 ISO | 2sec TimerDarkness
The dark side east, just look up!
Canon T2i | 18mm | 12.5" | f/3.5 | 800 ISO | 2sec TimerOnly 4 photos!?
Well Technically 🤓☝️
it's 8 photos, 6 of them being combined for Lightspeed and Let There Be Flight. Some of my other photos didnt turn out nearly as well, some out of focus, some with wayy to much noise, so I hope this will suffice!
If you want to view all the pictures individually, its over here.