Best of 2024

My Favorite Images from this year. 

Fake Stars

This was a 5 Minute exposure, and one of my favorite picture I took this semester!

Canon T2i | 5' | f/22 | 100 ISO

Internships at RMSEL are such a unique experience, going up to Balarat was a once in a lifetime experience. 

Pixel 8 | Auto

Puget Sound. Washington is beautiful, this year was full of travel, and I am so thankful for it. 

Pixel 8 | Auto


Astrophotography is funky! I want to drive further next time.

Canon T2i | 18mm | 8" | f/3.5 | 800 ISO | 2sec Timer


I got a new phone around Christmas, and I wanted to use this class to push the limits of the Pixel 8, and I think I've been successful in that endeavor. 

Pixel 8 | Portrait Mode | 2x

Sante Fe is such a quaint place, despite how small it is, it has so much character.

Pixel 8 | Auto

Sometimes too fast

The Solar Eclipse was amazing this year, despite not being in totality, it was a nice peaceful thing we can enjoy together.

Pixel 8 | 2x | Solar Filter