About Me

Some stuff about me, my identity perhaps.

Rooster Yawning - a very mischievous cat I adore, that's why he's here. Plus! It was one of the first pictures I took on my new phone!

Pixel 8 | Auto

A Fish out of Water, taken on the England/Scotland border on a trip with friends. This trip was eye-opening and made me want to travel even more.

Canon T2i | f/2.8 + ISO400

Broncos Games are Best When Free. It's an experience, even when not.

Pixel 8 | .5x + Auto

A Wilson's Warbler as it was being released. One of my favorite favorites!

Canon T2i | f/2.8 | 50mm

Mitten in the Window - The pretty princess in the house, and she loves her outdoors just like I do.

iPhone 14 Pro | RAW + Auto

Guys Lets go to a Medieval Concert! Taken at Warwick Castle. The contrast in ideas is immeasurable! 

iPhone SE2 | Auto

Is the Plural of Moose, Moose or Meese? Moose covered by snow in State Forest State Park. Taken on a grade level trip with my wonderful class.

Minolta Maxxum 5 | Lomography 400